Happy Reformation Day!!!!

2 Responses to “Happy Reformation Day!!!!”

  • Ryan

    I can’t see how the tearing asunder of the Church is cause for celebration, however necessary reform is and will always be.

    A good article on the matter by Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School (and a Methodist):

  • dustingermain

    ryan, you understand the context of what was happening. the reformers were being burned and tortured for opposing the church. luther attempted to change it from within and he was threatened with death and had to flee. the church of rome in that time was torn asunder in so much that it was a foul, corrupt, bloated corpse of a bride of christ.

    do you think that the church would have reformed itself if not for the reformers? how many centuries of darkness and decrepitude would she have wallowed in before she saw the light and emerged and reformed herself? it’s like blaming an abused wife who left her cheating and abusive husband, saying that by her leaving she has broken marital unity. that’s not how it works.


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