All Religions Lead To God

Do all religions lead to God? Up until recently, I would have emphatically answered “No.” In fact, I would have fought and kicking and screaming all the way to the grave that it was not so. It was something that I was passionate and sure about, and in which I felt was fundamental to the faith. But now I’ve changed my mind, and after looking at the evidence, I have little other options than to conclude that all religions really do lead to God.

It had to do when I was revisiting an oft quote bible verse. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6] .  Here’s the short of it- other religions will bring you to God. Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam — they’ll all eventually bring you to God. Mormonism, Christian Science, Jehovah Witnesses, paganism, animism and atheism will bring you to God. Every practitioner of every religion created by man and/or demon will, by that religion, be brought to God.

But none of those religions will bring us to God as “Father”!

They will bring us to God as Judge. They would bring you and me, clothed in the unspeakably filthy rags of our human works without excuse, hopeless and guilty. Falling continually and infinitely short of the glory of God. What a reverent, panicked, blistering terror it will be.

And yet the only way to God as Father is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Born again by the sovereign grace, adopted as sons of God through Christ, blessed with the spirit of adoption whereby we can cry out “Abba! Father”, which is the Spirit of God’s own Son sent to save us.

All religions lead to God — for damning judgment.

Only through Jesus Christ can we be led to God the Father.

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