Come Holy Ghost [tara ward]

Come Holy Ghost

Come Holy Ghost. Come God and Lord
with all your grace on us outpoured.
Come Holy Light. Come guide divine.
Now cause the Word of Life to shine.

Come Holy Fire and Comfort true.
Grant us the will your work to do.
(Veni Sancte Spiritus)

Lord, by your power prepare our hearts.
Where we are weak, Lord strength impart.

That bravely here we may afford
our life and death to you our Lord.


Tara Ward and the folks over at Church Of The Beloved released this track as part of their “Hope for a tree cut down.” album. I do not endorse this church, or their ministries, or even every song on the CD. But this one, I must say, I quite like. Adapted from Martin Luthers “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!” [1483-1546] It makes great use of harmonies and instrumentation. It is a very…haunting song, and makes great use of traditional elements and chanting that I appreciate so much. And while I would have preferred a straight cover which included all of Martin Luther’s original lyrics, these serve to satisfy.

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