Matt Chandler Quote

“Look, you’re infinitely guilty, but Christ has made a way. Our hope as Christians isn’t in our embetterment but rather in Christ’s perfection. So you need to hear me say this to you right now. God is not in love with some future version of you. It’s not you ‘tomorrow’ that He loves and delights in. It’s not you when you ‘get your act together’. Listen, & if you believe that, you are a idolater. If you believe that Christ’s love for you is a ‘future love’ for you, then you dismiss the cross of Christ.

Have you ever thought of the cross this way: The cross of Christ is this glaring acknowledgment that we’re all screw ups. This glaring acknowledgment that you’re going to fall short and that I’m going to fall short, and I’m not going to measure up, and I’m never going to get to perfection like I need to get to perfection, & even if I could get to perfection, I’d have all that imperfection behind me.

Doesn’t the cross go, ‘Yeah, I know’?
Doesn’t the cross say, ‘Yeah, I’ve made provision. I’ve handled that’?

-Matt Chandler

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